Is Your Bank Failing? Interview with a Banker

We’ve all been watching the news with some trepidation, I’m sure. It seems that banks are failing right and left. How do we know if our bank is safe, and what should we do if we hear a rumor that our bank is hitting the skids? I sent these questions to a friend of mine, who is the manager of a major bank. He willingly answered them for me, but he asked that I not share his name. It’s not a very popular time to be a banker. I asked him, “What are the signs that my bank is struggling?” … Continue reading

Becoming Your Own Financial Expert

Earlier, we talked about finding a financial expert who really speaks your language and who “gets” you and your needs. Well, no one knows you better than you do, right? What better person could you find to trust with all your private information, to keep your best interests at heart, to know what’s important in your life, than you? “But I don’t have a degree in finance,” you might say. “How can I be my own expert?” You are the expert in your life because you are the one living it. You are the only one who knows about those … Continue reading

Are You Talking to Your Kids About the Financial Crisis?

According to money expert Suze Orman (who has become somewhat of a permanent fixture on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” as of late) the one bright side to our country’s current economic meltdown is that it is forcing parents to sit down and discuss money matters with their kids. Have you had the talk with your kids yet? You might have if you recently cancelled a planned family vacation in order to pay the mortgage or if you disconnected the cable in order to pay for food. Our nation’s current economic crisis has forced millions of parents from coast-to-coast to look … Continue reading

Financial Pitfalls: Failure to Establish Financial Independence

One important step in managing your finances is to become independent of outside help. Usually parents or in-laws offer this help and it may be small amounts of money monthly or it may be large gifts of money annually. If your parents are in a position to give you money this is can be seen as a blessing. Many parents are able to help their children with a down payment on a home. They may also help with the purchase of your first car. While these gifts are nice. It is important that you do not become dependent on them. … Continue reading

Genealogy Was a Popular Party Theme for Old Maids

Today I learned about an interesting type of party that used to be fairly common in the Eastern United States, a type of party that has a genealogical theme. The Old Maid’s tea party was an occasion that would often be held on the occasion of a single, college-educated woman’s twenty fifth birthday. The parties were popular during a few different periods in time, including the roaring twenties. At a typical Old Maid’s tea party, a tea consultant would teach the ladies the art of serving tea. Gifts would be given to the “Old Maid”, and guests would show their … Continue reading

Recession Giving Birth to More Frugals

With all of the changes in personal economic outlook do to high gas prices, high food prices and high everything-related-to-food-or-fuel prices, the majority of consumers are changing their spending habits and becoming more frugal. According to a news report by AP news, many of those new”frugals” are planning to remain frugal, even if their financial outlook improves. The research company Nielsen Co, tracks consumer habits. It says that about 63 percent of consumers are cutting their spending. In the AP article, former spendthrifts are taking drastic measures to curb shopping, such as applying shoe glue to a peeling sneaker sole, … Continue reading

Are You In a Recession Proof Job?

If you listen or read anything about finances at all, no doubt you’re becoming intimately acquainted with the word recession. Whether you think we’re in one now, or whether we’re just on the brink of a recession–things are getting tougher financially. Gone are the days of economic boom and returning are the days of frugality and preparedness. There is truly no such thing as a “recession proof” job. All jobs are subjected to the same woes of financial crisis however, experts say that some industries are indeed safer than others. However, what most industry experts are saying is that it … Continue reading