Do you Need Credit Counseling?

Are you having trouble with debt? Do you have a hard time saying no to your credit card? If so, there are times it can be useful to have the assistance of others. Debt and credit counseling is a huge industry. Due to this, it has good and bad along with it. If you truly feel out of control or that you have no hope, then it is time to consider counseling. Many people are addicted to spending and credit cards are simply fuel for the fire. Credit counseling can help you negotiate with creditors as well as help you … Continue reading

Credit Counseling

Do you think you need to go to a credit counselor? The first step before you decide is to run a budget or plan to help you get out of debt on your own. If you can’t see any easy solution, a credit counselor can help – just be sure to go to the right one! Unfortunately there are more than a 1000 different credit counseling services in the United States, and not all of them are actually helpful. These kinds of services are geared just toward unsecured debt, like credit lines and credit cards. If your main problem is … Continue reading

Marriage and Family Issues: Debt

We know that financial problems can strain a marriage and in fact stress the entire family. How does a family manage debt without making that hole deeper? With predatory lenders advertising at alarming rates, not to mention alarming interest rates, it is no wonder some families end up compounding their debt rather than alleviating it. Do any of the following facts surprise you? Couples or families that borrow even more money in an attempt to get out of debt are the number one source of profits for many lenders. Predatory lenders target families in debt for high interest loans and … Continue reading