Money Week in Review: September 16-22

In Save Your Paperwork Debbie gives some great advice on what paperwork you should save. She offers some money saving and organizational tips as well. She points out that it is important to stay on top of your paperwork as well. Monthly Budget and Biweekly Paychecks addresses the confusion that might arise when it comes to budgeting. It gives suggestions on how to make your money and your budget work for you. Reward Points for Kids offers a new way to address the allowance–chores issue. Debbie’s unique solution is worth considering, since it simplifies matters. You can reward or take … Continue reading

Attitude Affects Money

Attitude is everything. This common saying is true for financial matters as well. Your approach to spending and saving is ingrained in your attitude. Have you ever noticed how some people seem to get all the breaks, while others struggle with constant bad luck? What is different about these people? Think about it, do they approach life differently, have a different attitude? While it is not always the case, in general, people who seem to get all the financial good luck have a different attitude about money. We are all potentially at risk for a bout of bad luck. But, … Continue reading

Part 2 of Things to Discuss before Marriage

Yesterday we looked at things to discuss before marriage. Here are some more things on the checklist of things that should be discussed. Attitudes towards work and family life. The person, who is a workaholic or a professional student always wanting to gain new skills, can have a detrimental effect on marriage. They may have trouble making time and making it a priority to nurture their marriage and family relationships. Finances and whether you will have separate bank accounts or a joint account. Even if there is a joint account, will each person have their own spending money that they … Continue reading

Growing Love

As I wrote in another blog the other day, I don’t know if it’s the season or what but I’m more in love with Wayne than ever. Which feels really nice considering earlier this year we were facing a marriage crisis. This morning I told him, “I don’t know how it’s possible that after 20 something years my love for you just keeps getting stronger, but it does.” I’ve sort of been thinking about that for the rest of the day so far. And since it’s so much on my mind, I figured that’d make something good to write about … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: May 5th Through May 11th

Catch up on the latest tips and advice for frugal living! May 5th Frugal Cinco de Mayo Want to have a fun way to celebrate the day without spending a lot of money? Here are some fun ideas that you can use to celebrate today, Cinco de Mayo. Frugal Burgers The pleasant weather outside brings lots of great spring and summer food, especially food cooked on the grill. One of the favorite types of grill food is the hamburger. It used to be that hamburger in itself was frugal, but that is no longer the case. Exotic ingredients and fixings, … Continue reading

Frugal Thinking

Have you read the Frugal Blog on Families recently? Well, even if the word frugal drives fear down your spine… I recommend reviewing the mindset. Living frugally is more than just saving money, it is almost a religion. While not everyone has the discipline to truly live a frugal lifestyle, if you want to be good with money – it is important to grasp some of its teachings. A common criticism is that frugal choices are mostly about the little things, like saving pennies by washing plastic bags. Although this can be true, little things can add up to big … Continue reading

Factors Influencing One’s Level of Education

America is becoming a more educated world. In America’s history, education was not as important as it is today. The focus was mainly put on working the fields and training children to make a living for themselves off of the land. Today is a much different society. Technology requirements are blooming in almost every occupation. Educational requirements are increasing all across the careers. The percentage of Americans completing higher education is on the rise. Research has shown that education is linked to success in life. The more education that a child receives, the more successful he or she will become. … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Root of All Evil

In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus gives the parable of the rich man who set aside plenty of food to last him for years, yet found himself standing before God that same night. Many times, I have read this and wondered just what the Savior had against food storage (and after all, aren’t we supposed to be storing food?). Only recently have I come to realize that the problem was not from the act of storing plenty but from the attitude. In verse 15, just prior to giving the parable, the Lord cautions against covetousness. I loved the footnote found that references … Continue reading

My Inner City Story: Inner City Conditions

In my last blog I talked about the teachers that tend to stay in the inner city, I started there, rather than this topic because if inner city schools are to improve, there has to be teachers willing to teach here. I noted that neither money nor other incentives are as likely to keep good teachers as are mentors. I also believe that some teachers come here not realizing what they’re getting into and thus are set up for failure. But I cannot continue to talk about my experiences here without talking about the conditions in inner city schools. They … Continue reading