Maternity Care in the U.S.

The recent birth of the royal prince cost $15,000.  That sounds like a lot, right?  It is, but it’s only half the cost of a birth in America.  That’s right: the average price of a birth — in a normal hospital, not a luxury wing — in the U.S. is $30,000.  That makes us, according to an in-depth article by The New York Times, the nation that pays the most for maternity care.  Yet, we also have one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world.  It seems like these two things should counter one another, but in … Continue reading

Making Money When You Are Already Too Busy

These days, many of us need to find ways to make some extra money. Figuring out how to fit that in when we already have families and jobs (in the home or outside of it) to fulfill  can be tough. How do we find the time to make money when we are already so busy? Combining Jobs When I got a call last week asking if I would babysit for our church’s Women’s Bible Study that takes place one morning a week I readily agreed. While the money isn’t much, it allowed me to take my youngest child with me, … Continue reading

How to Prepare Your Child for a Real Job

If you don’t want to be the family with the 20-something adult child laying on your couch, then you have to get started early with helping to prepare your kid for his or her first real job, one that can support a basic lifestyle and have an expectation of self sufficiency. Ideally, you have been giving your child or children important money lessons since they were preschoolers, but the most critical time comes when they reach the age of 13 or 14. That is when they need to know that when they become adults, they will be expected to hold … Continue reading

Does Your Health Plan Include Pet Insurance?

The majority of Americans who have health insurance are able to afford it because it come to them through their employer. Some employers are starting to include coverage for pet insurance. This can make it much easier for pet owners to take good care of their dogs and cats. It is absolutely vital that people have affordable health insurance coverage. Those that don’t have it either hold off getting the health care they need until a minor issue becomes a serious one, or they end up in debt from medical bills. Your employer sponsored health insurance can cover you, your … Continue reading

Medicaid in Minnesota is Called MinnesotaCare

Each and every state has a Medicaid program. Many state simply refer to the program as “Medicaid”, while others give it a more unique name. In Minnesota, the Medicaid program is called MinnesotaCare. It is very easy to find out the eligibility requirements for Medicaid in Minnesota. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low-income and who cannot afford to purchase health insurance from a private company. Medicaid is funded, in part, by the federal government. It also is funded by the … Continue reading

Put Aside Your Pride

As a new single parent the most overwhelming thing is finances. How are you going to support this family? Many of us were stay at home moms or only worked part time. To go from that to be solely responsible for your children is like night and day. It helps if you ex is good about paying child support but unfortunately, for many reasons, many ex’s aren’t always current on their support so you can’t really count on it. The first thing you need to do is figure out what you have and what you can do. If you have … Continue reading

Summer Jobs For Your Teen

It’s almost summer time and for our teenagers that means summer jobs. As a single mother the decision to allow your child to get a summer job is a big one. If you need their help at home with younger siblings it may be out of the question, but is that fair? One of the huge expenses of all parents but particularly single parents is daycare so when you have a child old enough to take care of their younger siblings while you work, it can seem like a financial boon. The downside to that is that your older child … Continue reading

Is Working From Home For You?

Do you dream of working from home? Do you want to be able to stay home with your children and still contribute to your family’s income, or do you want to get rich quick? If your goal is to get rich quick, you better have a million dollar idea that no one else has already thought of, otherwise you are going to be quickly disappointed. When you decide to work from home you have to determine why you want to do this, why is it important, is it really feasible with your family and lifestyle and how much money do … Continue reading

What Do You Want To Do

Working from home is realistic for many people, however if you are looking to get rich quick you might be in for a surprise. No one is really making $1,000 a week stuffing envelopes, if they were, no one would work outside the home and we would have an excess of stuffed envelopes. There are many opportunities to work from home. Just do a Google search for work at home or home based business and you will find more information than you can possibly read. There’s a lot of garbage in there, companies that will help you replace your income, … Continue reading

Was Your Ancestor an Indentured Servant?

Some of our European – born ancestors came to America by themselves, when they were in their teens or early twenties. Many times, these young men and women did not make the passage to rebel against or run away from their families, but rather to establish a foothold in America so that the rest of the family could join them later on. Many of these young people were able to make the trip to America despite the fact that neither they nor their families could afford to pay for the voyage outright thanks to the option of indentured servitude. The … Continue reading