Home Security

As a single mother with a young daughter there are times that I feel particularly vulnerable. One of the worst was when I we first moved from our apartment into the house I bought. The first couple nights I didn’t really notice, I was too tired, unpacking, cleaning, moving furniture, when I went to bed at night my eyes were closed before I hit the pillow. After the first couple of nights I started to notice how many different ways there are to get into my house, and I have to say I got a little nervous. I wanted to … Continue reading

Job Security For Home-Based Professionals

One thing that repeatedly comes to mind as I think about my journey as a home-based professional is job security. If you are thinking about becoming a home-based professional, you have undoubtedly thought about how it is risky to leave your seemingly secure current employment situation to venture out on your own. I know that I thought it was risky when I first started out. As time has passed, however, I have come to feel more secure in my employment than I ever did when I was working at any job. The reason for this sense of security is that … Continue reading

A False Sense of Security

What is it about having money that creates such a state of alternate reality? When I’m pinching pennies, it’s easy to stay in budget—I have to. I don’t have a choice. But when a little extra cash comes my way, suddenly those lines become blurred. It’s okay to grab pizza for dinner … we have a little extra money. It’s all right if I want to get that book … we have a little extra money. Before I know it, that money is gone, and I have absolutely no idea where it went. It vanished, gone in a vaporous mist, … Continue reading

Protecting Preschoolers from Choking

Dealing with a picky preschooler at the dinner table may be the least of your concerns, according to a new study.  Instead of stressing about your child’s refusal to eat his veggies, researchers warn parents that they should be carefully monitoring four year olds while they chow down on classic kid favorites, like hot dogs, as the number of choking incidents among preschool-aged children is dangerously high. Researchers say a staggering 34 children a day are admitted to hospital emergency rooms due to choking.  That translates to more than 12,000 emergency room visits a year, though the study’s author notes … Continue reading

Universal Orlando Will Drop Health Plans for Part-Time Workers

Universal Orlando is going to stop offering health insurance to part-time employees as of December 31, 2013. Universal is currently offering health plans that are considered to be inadequate according to the regulations in the Affordable Care Act, which goes into affect on January 1, 2014. Universal is one of the largest employers in Central Florida. It has about 17,000 employees. Although thousands of the workers are part-time, only around 500 of them are currently enrolled in the employer sponsored health insurance plan. Other part-time workers are covered under their spouse’s health plan. Still others, who are between the ages … Continue reading

Three Reasons Why Low Interest Credit Card Transfers May Put You in Debt

Many of us seek to take advantage of those low interest credit card transfer offers. With a low interest credit card transfer offer, you can take the debt you have on one credit card and move it over to a new card that gives you a lower rate of interest. With lower interest, you will save more money, right? If your credit score is still decent, you will find yourself getting a lot of these offers in the mail. Switching from a 12 percent card to a five percent card seems like a great way to speed up your recovery … Continue reading

How to Prevent Identity Theft: Keeping Your Data to Yourself

Think identity theft can’t happen to you? It is probably only a matter of time, because identity theft is growing in leaps and bounds. New technologies and a more global way of doing business has made it easier than ever for thieves to pretend to be you. With thousands and thousands of databases that can be compromised, such as the gas station where you just swiped your car, and hundreds of people who see your card on an annual basis, such as the waiter who just served you dinner, the odds of not being a victim of identity theft is … Continue reading

Jumping Ban

This just in: Trampolines are dangerous for kids. In other news, the sky is blue. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Earlier today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced that parents should ban trampolines from their backyards, as they could be potential death traps for kids. Citing nearly 100,000 serious injuries in 2009, the AAP issued the warning and noted that safety nets parents erect around the personal jumping devices do little to protect kids from harm. In fact, members of the AAP state that trampoline nets are often more of a detriment than a benefit because they … Continue reading

Don’t Believe Everything You See on Facebook

It has become really popular for people to “share” images that have text on them on their Facebook pages. Don’t assume that these eye-catching images contain factual information. The one going around that states that Medicare premiums are going to increase due to the Affordable Care Act is false. You may have heard the phrase: “a picture paints a thousand words”. People today are busy, and most are not interested in taking the time to sit down and read those thousand words. It only takes a second to look at a picture. This is probably why it has become so … Continue reading

How Emotional Abuse Leads to Guilt and Shame

The reason given for emotional abuse varies: you are bad, stupid, ugly, or unwanted, or you are the wrong sex, the wrong age, or the wrong whatever. No matter what reason is provided, you are to blame for what is happening to you. You are guilty of causing the abuse. The guilt you are feeling is not true guilt. True guilt is brought on by a realistic understanding of your behavior and its consequences to yourself and others. False guilt is an oppressive burden that is not based on reality but on the warped views, ideas, and attitudes of others. … Continue reading